A Glitch that Supercell will never remove

 a glitch that supercell will never remove....

POCO,brawl stars, brawler,

hey everyone and we are back ya we are back...

anyways I hope you all are doing great and we are back with another blog and in today's blog, we are going to discuss about a glitch that supercell will never remove. yes, you heard it right even if are reading this a year ago after this blog was uploaded you will find this glitch still works...


in case if you don't know that what is a glitch in games then read those italic sentences or you can skip it

a glitch is an error or a problem in the game which occur due to some graphics error or coding error

by this, we can classify glitch into two-part 
1.coding glitch -glitch which is made by mistake by the developer team for example- the boss fight glitch where boss robot stocks at the pond by the el primo glitch.

2.graphic glitch-these are those glitch which occurs due to some graphic error. the robo rumble glitch where the struck super hides the heist.

but before we start telling about this glitch please visit our blog we had a lot of glitches explained there if you are a person who wanted to know why and how this glitch is happening then definitely those blogs are for you have a look here are some them are mentioned here 

nita,brawler,brawl stars,bear

Gadget And Star Power Glitch :

wait a minute is it a glitch or is it feature ???? well the brawl stars team are a group of a programmer so maybe they converted a bug into a feature 

honestly we don't know that whether it is a glitch or not but since it makes things puzzled in the game so we classified or categorized it into a glitches

What Is This Gadget And Star Power Glitch ???

it is a simple glitch in which you can swap star power or gadget with other brawlers


1. you can use penny's pocket detonation[in which penny can destroy her cannon] can be swapped with a brawler like Jessie, pam,8-bit any many more brawlers

2. you can swap bo's totem with any other brawler like Jessie, jacky, bull, pam, brock, and many more...

not only gadgets but also star powers also like...

1. you can use rosa's star power-----[in which her health increases by 200 every second, when she hides inside the bush,] with any brawler like pam, poco, bull, shelly, etc.

pam,brawler,brawl stars,bear

How To Do This Glitch????

here are the things which are required to do this glitch.

1 your phone with brawl stars installed on that

2 weak internet connection[if you use wifi then it would be really hard to do but don't lose hope I believe in you, you can do this]

jessie,brawler,brawl stars,bear
initial screen
jessie,brawler,brawl stars,bear
intial screen

Step -1

start the brawl stars games and select friendly battle in the option section 

bo,brawler,brawl stars,
selection screen
gadget,super totem,trip wire
gadget screen

Step -2 

now select the brawler whose star power or gadgets you wanted to have in other brawlers 

see picture [above]

here we wanted to have bo's super totem in a surge so first, we selected the bo with his gadget and super totem.

selection screen,surge.chromatic braler
selection screen
selection screen,chromatic brawler,skin
surge selection screen

Step -3

nowhere you have to do things as quick as you can so get ready with you both hands now select the brawler you wanted to have the previous brawler's gadgets with one hand press the select button and quickly press the start button to start the match see pictures.[above] we show off the surge skin LOL

here we wanted to swap bo's gadget with THE Surge  if confirm that this glitch worked [before the match starts] see the image of the brawler you will see the previous brawler image 


surge using totem,friendly challege,glitch
surge using bo's gadget

and congratulations you did this glitch[see here]

Will It Work On Real Matches????

no, it will not work on real matches and the reason behind that is whenever you play real to match the game takes a lot of them while matchmaking which is enough to fix everything

so it will work only on friendly matches and that's why we said that this glitch will never be removed.

Why Use This Glitch ???

you can use this glitch in many ways like to practice a match to brawlers like surge and one of the most important purposes for which you are playing this game is to have fun...

so have fun.

are there any conditions to work this glitch.

yes, in fact, a lot of conditions are there

few of them are mentioned here :

1.not every brawler can have every gadget or star power like you cannot swap Jessie's gadget [sparkplug] with rose 

the reason behind that is rosa didn't have any turret or totem to do this

remember bo has a gadget which generates totem so bo's also cannot have Jessie's gadget


you cannot use star powers also 

like you cannot swap nita's star power hyper bear with any brawler

this is the star power which cannot be swapped with any other brawler 

I hope you like this post if you like this post share it and in the comment section tell us on which topic we should write blog 



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