New brawler nani

Nani is a new epic brawler which is coming in just two days so let's talk about this new brawler


Many people are saying that Nani is an overpowered brawler, theoretically yes but practically no and I don't think so it's an overpowered brawler

Nani is high damage with low health brawler

here is a reason why people are thinking that Nani is overpowered:-

1. high damage:-

well yes she does a lot of damage in a single shot, she does 2100 damage per shot which means that she can kill el primo, jacky, bull, and other high health brawlers in just three shots

2.nani super;-

when Nani super gets charged then you can control peep to kill other brawlers with 2000 damage you can find them wherever they are and kill them plus peep has infinite health which means you can kill peep.

3.her gadget-:

 when super get charged you can find any brawler and you can hit them very easily and with gadgets you can teleport yourself there.


1. her normal attack -:

ok, we talked about this that her damage deals 2100 damage each shot even if one of the light orbs touches any brawler then she can have 700 damage, and here is the truth when we tested it we found out that we can hit any static object  (ie-bots ) with 2100 damage but it's too hard to hit any dynamic object (like brawler) even we can't properly hit one brawler and she reload time is slow that it's too hard to play.

2.nani super -:

Nani super is amazing and with star power, it Nani's super become more amazing again starting thinking that Nani is OP wait when we try to control the peep we find out that it's too hard to control her
plus you can't use nani while using peep which means that she will stay there and anyone can kill her easily and I don't think so it's a good idea to move too far away from the brawler

3.normal attack style-:

Nani attacks in the form of diamond shape which mean that her attack gets broad at the center so when she attacks you try to get as near as you can in this way you can defend yourself from her2100 damage


duo showdown-:

 I think Nani is good to play in duo showdown because there will be another person to protect you from other brawlers but still, this doesn't mean that you can move too much far away from the nani this could create a lot of problems also plus people can get aware of it that someone is alone and they can take advantage of it


another mode that could be good to play Nani is, heist since she does a high amount of damage so you can take responsibility for destroying the opponent heist plus with super, you can take care of your heist if needed

other modes 
brawl ball 


1. don't go too far away-

don't go too far away enemy can get aware of it and they can kill Nani and once Nani got killed peep will also get destroyed

2.low health -

Nani has low health which means she can be killed by any high damaged brawler in just two shot so be careful while fighting make a proper distance

3, normal attack style-:

Nani attacks in the form of diamond shape which mean that her attack gets broad at the center so when she attacks you try to get as near as you can in this way you can defend yourself from her2100 damage

4. use auto-aim or quickfire:-

if you are a pro player then only use manual aiming but I highly recommend you to use auto-aim in that way you can give maximum damage.

so this is what we think about nani I hope you got some knowledge from this and tell us what do you think about Nani
 thank you

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