Brawl Magazine Ep-6 BRAWL STARS

      Brawl Magazine Ep-6

brawl ball map removed:

a few weeks ago map was removed due to some glitch and they tweeted and said they were removing the map and there will be a new winner of the map maker

Edgar is overplayed :

frank community manager of the brawl stars is on fire for the last 2 month he is sharing a lot of stats of brawl stars and this team he shared stats where he told that Edgar is overplayed not overpowered 
while poco is strong but people don't use him a lot

here are the stats x-axis is showing the usage rate of the brawler and the y-axis is showing the win rate of the brawler as you can see that Edgar has a low win rate and high usage rate while poco has a high win rate and low usage rate
on this players were saying that since he is overplayed due to this they can't play with the brawlers like piper and barley in the solo showdown

gene and frank gadget:

after losing all the voting contest gene and frank were finally getting their new gadget before that they released  rosa gadgets 

The glitch in the big game event:

recently a glitch has been seen in the big game event while using Mr. P 
when you use Mr p SECOND gadget then the porters will have 93800 health which is almost equal to the big brawler's health.
on this dani community manager tweeted and said that they know the glitch and they can't fix this issue right now 
although this was not a very big problem because Mr p is a mythic brawler so many players don't have MR p 

results announced for the qualifiers round in brawl stars esports:

today brawl stars esports tweeted the name of the team and reveal the name of the teams who had qualified the round skgaing and bunkers, no free agents, masters clappers were qualified from the EMEA region 
while PSG esports 1 and 2 freelancers were qualified from the SESA and ANZ region
here is the screenshot of the top 8 teams there will be more reveal of the teams who were qualified for the next round

5. solo showdown challenge :

a rumor came out that there will be a solo showdown challenge like we had warrior bo duo showdown challenge and the price will pin we are not sure when it will come or what type of pins will be it is just a rumor 

signal indicator in brawl stars

6.signal indicator:

not sure but there soon there will a signal indicator in the game in the future so that you can check whether the network is good to play or not it is like pings in pubg game.

ruffs new stars power

7.ruffs new star power :

there will be a new star power of colonel ruffs here is the screenshot

we are not sure whether it is real or fake right now it is just a rumor.

read previous brawl magazine here:-- brawl magazine ep-5



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