Hey everyone and we are back with another blog and in today's blog, we are going to discuss brawl pass I know it been 3 months. so now the question arises why we are talking about brawl pass now   
the answer is simple and the reason behind that is we are waiting for season 2 so that we can compare brawl pass with each other plus we also want to compare them with the older brawl box system. 
the reason we are writing this blog is there is a lot of confusion, there are so many people who wanted to know that which one is better older brawl box system or brawl pass
so here we are with all the calculation 
remember this is not an exact calculation so at some point you may feel wrong the reason behind this is that we didn't have a lot of data so we tried our best hope you like this and start this

first, let's clear out few questions-

1.why brawl pass cost gems not money like other supercell games like clash of clan and clash royale???

there are a lot of reasons why brawl pass costs gem not real money increase game speed

as you all know that brawl stars was released 2 years ago while other games like clash of clans and clash royale are much older, clash of-clan was released in the year 2012 while clash royale was released in the year 2016 so now they need something that can increase money and season pass and royale pass was one of the ways, while brawl stars are not as old as other game so they need these pass to increase the game progress not only for those player who spends money but also for f2p player so that they can introduce more new things. make gems more worthy
if you play clash of-clan or clash royale then you what I mean clash of clan gives gems like they are nothing, earning 2000 gems is as easy as upgrading defenses while talking about clash royale after the introduction of royale pass clash royale gems also become worthless while talking about brawl stars gems are the most precious thing in the game they treated gem-like in-game currency as it should be used 
if you still didn't get what I mean then thinking ABOUT IT
what would you like to buy if you get a chance to get them for free a royale pass or gems whose price is equal to royale pass [ie-400 rs] I hope now you get it
2. so now what is worth it to buy in brawl stars gems or brawl pass???
you can buy anything, both are worth it to buy as we told you gems are the in-game currency but talking about brawl pass progress your game 20% faster so 

3. which is the most costly pass according to the real money?? season pass, royale pass, or brawl pass???
of course, all are equal in money whether you buy brawl pass season pass or royale pass all cost 400 rs but brawl stars played a small game with us that made brawl pass costly than the other two passes.
actually, if you don't have any gems then it will cost you 800 rs but in brawl pass, you can get 90 gems in the f2p road and you just have to buy 400 rs worth gems more but if you don't have patience then you have to pay 800 rs for brawl pass and that's why brawl pass is costly then any other passes.

ok so this is the end of the QnA so let's get back to the comparison
so talking about season 1 pass you were getting these things:-
14 mega boxes
32 big boxes
15 brawl boxes
power points -1925
coins -2250                        
gems 90
1 chromatic brawler
1 new skin

while in season 2 you were getting 
15 mega boxes
40 big boxes
16 brawl boxes
power points -2025
coins -2400
                                                                      gems 90
                                                                      1 chromatic brawler 
                                                                      2 new skins

heck yes season 2 pass much more value than season 1 but wait what about the old system 
so here is the detail in the old system you can get 2376 brawl boxes while in season 1 you will get only 251 brawl boxes[big boxes and mega boxes are converted into the brawl box ie 1 big box- 3 brawl box and 1 mega box-10 brawl box]
yes you heard this right  so now the question arises how to brawl pass makes 20%  faster gameplay so let clear this out 
1 we are counting only boxes present in the brawl pass 
there are 251 boxes in the brawl pass, and there are so many things are put out of the box like power points, coins, gems, and one of the most valuable thing a brawler we didn't include all these things, if we convert them into brawl boxes then no of brawl boxes will get increased this is how the game progression increased but still the no of brawl boxes is still less than which we get in the older system.

2 how does game progression increased by putting things out of the box???
putting things outside means you can upgrade things of your wish, plus putting gems outside of the box increases the chances of getting a new brawler and their points and gadgets and star power also.

good things that happen due to brawl pass -

  • game progression increased by 20%
  • chances of getting a new brawler also increased now we can unlock legendary brawl easier than the older system
  • you will get a new brawler without wasting boxes

bad things that happen due to brawl pass-

  • mega box lost its importance mega box are like legendary chest in the brawl stars but after brawl pass, it now becomes like a wooden chest in clash royale.
  • if you don't buy brawl pass once your progress may become slow.
  • as you go higher you have to get a high number of tokens for things for example now you need  500 tokens for a brawl box.

here is the conclusion 

brawl stars have reduced the no of boxes we get in the older system but this doesn't mean that they reduced the game progression, yes few things are not good but still, the overall game progression is increased by 20%

I hope you like this thank you so, much for reading and in the comment section tell what we should rite next 

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