Brawl Magazine Ep-7 BRAWL STARS

      Brawl Magazine Ep-7

1. power league monitoring system:

on 21 march after the introduction of the power league brawl stars team started monitoring the players who were disturbing the match 

although it was confirmed that they are banning only those players who were disturbing the match by itself 

if the match is disturbed by the game or due to connection player may not get banned 

but if someone does' it intentionally then he or she may get banned from the power league not only from the power league but also from the game and the ban can be permanent 

on this, I think this is not be done in the beginning phase because the system is new for the players they need some time to understand, and also power league need some changes 

what do you think??? tell us in the comment section submission starts:

once again supercell make skins competition are now open and look like this time they are looking for some nice skins the competition the last date is 29 march 


recently kairos time tweeted a poll where he was asking for the player who has max brawlers more than 8  and the results are not so surprising 86% of people had max brawler more than 8 and only 14% people don't have max brawler more than 8 

in the poll, he asked players that in the power league player can only select level 10 brawlers on this the poll was quite surprising because 66% of players want this feature but 33% of player don't want this feature

I think putting a limit to play with only level 10 brawler is not the solution in the clash, royale players are capped to level 9 king tower if any events 

I think they should also implement this type of thing in the game

what do you think??? tell us in the comment section

4.player can buy bg music and start screen:

a few weeks ago a player talked about buying background music and the initial screen where our all stuff are there like we buy skins 

In this community, the manager said that they are already thinking about this and they have already this type of plan may be in the future there is a chance that we can buy the background music and initial screens also like we buy a skin for the brawler 

5. removal of maps:

a few weeks ago frank community manager of brawl stars was talking about increasing the number of maps in each mode from 3 to 4 in the power league to make it more competitive 

last week he tweeted and said that they were removing snake prairie from the power league he also said that we will introduce it back once we will have more visibility brawlers[brawler who can see in more distance than others like tara and bo]

there is a very simple reason behind is and that is banning 

in snake prairie, 90% of players were banning tara and bo and this makes this make less competitive than any other maps 

6.skins of different amount :

players talked about the cost of the skins should be added more ie 49  and other 

on this frank said that soon they will introduce skins which may cost 49 199 gems and recently bibilante was introduced whose cost is 49 gems 

7.screen changes:

after the power league updates brawl stars have changed the animation screen of brawler unlocking and buying skin screen not only this but also changes the screen for the big boss screen in big game events.

8. stu second-star power:

 recently ben Timm 1 in his video told that stu is getting his new star power and the new star power will let him heal himself when he will use his super he will heal; 500 per super.

we already told about this on our Facebook page follow us there to get all the news related to brawl stars


 what do you think about this will this star power will make him more overpowered or he will be balanced...

9. siege and the hot zone will not be available today:

a few days ago frank community manager of brawl stars confirmed that they got some issue in the power league and they are busy fixing those and due to that siege and the hot zone will be available

after the next update drops 

10. brawl talk date:

a few days ago brawl stars tweeted a photo where players are guessing the date of the next brawl talk  and not sure but they had mentioned the dates for the next brawl talk and the date is 3/04 ie 3rd of April 

read previous brawl magazine here:-- brawl magazine ep-5



a brawl magazine is a place where you can get all the news whatever happening in the brawl universe so stay tuned with us and subscribe to us to get notified whenever we post something on this blog

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